Maize Collection Centers
The below areas have been identified by the corporation to be used by NMC Farmer Development Officers (FDOs) as maize collection centres for the year 2016/17. Farmers are expected to bring their maize to the listed areas before or on the collection dates agreed with them.
Collection dates are communicated by FDOs to the community leaders/ extension officers prior to collection. Under this program the FDOs use platform scales to receive maize from farmers. The maize is graded, accepted or rejected on the spot. A farmer is then given his/her receipt showing the value of his/her maize after relevant deductions have been made. Currently, deductions that may apply are for; issuances of cheques if no bank details are provided, transport charges, and moisture adjustment charge if the maize moisture content is above 12.5%. Farmers use the receipts given to collect payment from the head office at Matsapha. If bank details were provided, payment is made to the relevant accounts within 3 days.
- Endzingeni
- Nkhaba Clinic
- Ka- Ncesi
- Kupheleni( next to shops)
- Sigangeni (next to shop)
- Hhukwini Inkhundla
- Nsingweni
- Mashobeni
- Gege Cooperative
- Magubheleni Cooperative
- Dudusini
- Maphungwane
- Maphalaleni Inkhundla
- Dlozini Gogo Centre